Department Studio is a french design studio specialized in art direction, graphic design and digital arts. The showreel contains released, edited and unreleased content from the videos and cover art they did for some of their clients. Video editing by Department Studio and Sina Fakour. Additional work by Rémi Devouassoud (Snakehips). Music: DJ Richard – Screes of Gray Craig. Their clients are Nike (Us), Adidas Originals (Fr), Quality Goods Records (Us), CNR (Fr), Musée Gadagne (Fr), Mom+Pop (Us), Fool’s Gold (Us), Infectious (Uk), Makia Clothing (Fin), Redbull (Fr), Carhartt (Fr), Tsugi (Fr), Trax Magazine (Fr), Technikart (Fr), Le Transbordeur (Fr), Nuits Sonores (Fr), Computer Arts (Uk), Sixpack (Fr), Bitplay Inc (Jp), Hoffman West (Uk), Yours Truly (Us), Arturia (Fr), Sosh (Fr), Musée Miniature et Cinéma (Fr)…